
Corn Carnival Royalty

Photo by Betty Dahms Corn Cob Queen candidates Linda Reardon-Lowry, Beth Wegner and JoAnn Ruopp are pictured with the 2017 Corn Cob Queen Cynthia Eggers before the crwoning of the 2018 Corn Cob Queen. The queen was announced before the beginning of the annual Kiddies Parade of Thursday, June 28.
Photo by Betty Dahms Beth Wegner was crowned the 2018 Corn Cob Queen, Beth is pictured with Ellis Patton, representing Anderson Funeral Homes, the sponsor for this event.
Darrell Paustian, winner of 2018 CC Quilt Raffle made by Katie Grimmius.

Little Miss Corn Carnival Skyler Murty and Little Mr. Corn Carnival Braydon Deeds were crowned on Thursday, June 28, 2018, before the start of the Kiddies Parade.