

‘It’s go time’

GLADBROOK – After successfully passing a resolution this past June to use approximately $8.9 million in sales tax bonds (SAVE) and cash-on-hand to fund much needed infrastructure updates and additions at the elementary school, the Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community School District is ready to ...

Otter Creek Lake continues to slowly refill

OTTER CREEK – This past Monday, Tama County Conservation provided an update on its Facebook page regarding the refilling of the 70-acre Otter Creek Lake as part of the lake restoration project which began in late 2021 but didn’t get fully started until over a year later with the dredging of ...

Skid loader plus mulcher

TOLEDO – It was a bright sultry Monday morning and the usual suspects gathered for July 15 Tama County Board of Supervisors’ meeting. Tama County Engineer Ben Daleske seemed to kick things off as he gave his report talking about the new skid loader purchase. The skid loader came with a ...

‘Citizens don’t realize that EMS isn’t already tax-funded’

DYSART – Local emergency medical service agencies are hoping a supermajority of Tama County voters will give the thumbs up this November to funding EMS as essential by approving a new property tax levy. Last week Thursday, the newly formed Tama County EMS Advisory Council held its inaugural ...

Everybody out in five

TOLEDO – As the sun peeked over the horizon and some locals still snoozed, dreaming of sugar plums, the usual bunch met up for the Monday, July 8 Tama County Board of Supervisors’ meeting. The meeting kicked off first with the announcement of a new rule. From now on, there shall no ...

‘Don’t be a puppet’

TOLEDO – The biggest area of discussion during the Monday, July 1 Tama County Board of Supervisors’ meeting was the agenda item concerning the appointment of an interim zoning administrator. The 15 minute comment time allowed multiple people from the audience to have their say on the topic, ...

Grundy Center City Council votes to keep local police department

GRUNDY CENTER – The Grundy Center Police Department will remain on the local beat – for now. During the Grundy Center City Council meeting held on July 1, the council took action on a resolution that – had it passed – would have authorized a dissolution of the City’s police ...

Iowa abortion providers, advocates prepare for state law to take effect

Reproductive health care advocates and providers are preparing for how to help Iowans access abortion following last Friday morning’s Iowa Supreme Court decision that will allow the state’s six-week abortion ban to take effect. The state Supreme Court issued a 4-3 ruling on June 28 that ...

Transfers and debris

TOLEDO – Last Monday morning, before the heat decided to settle on Tama County for the day, the usual band of locals gathered for the Board of Supervisors weekly meeting. The county engineer gave his report saying they are still working on cleaning up debris from the flooding a few weeks ...

Grundy Center Police Department on the brink

GRUNDY CENTER – Roughly 100 people turned up Monday evening at the Grundy Center Community Center for a town hall/special session regarding the looming possibility the city council may soon disband its local police department due to budget constraints and instead contract with the Grundy ...