
Tama County Supervisors By Joyce Wiese

Tama County Engineer Lyle Brehm met with the Tama County Board of Supervisors Monday morning with a contrtact for the Buckingham Bridge in Section 23. Supervisors approved the contract which will be sent to t he contractor and will then come back to the county. The contract was awarded in the amount is $631,484.88. These contracts for county work must be approved by the State and the State is accountable to the Federal Government. The laltest starting date for the work will be June 12, 2017. Alan Richards, local attorney, was present to talk about the Lincoln Highway Bridge. Richards stated he would be in favor of changing the Packing house traffic to a street south of the Railroad in Tama so traffic would go directly from Highway 63 to the Packing House. He also mentioned building an overpass, or putting an embargo on the Lincoln Highway bridge. He is in favor of preserving the bridge as it is one of a kind and is over one hundred years old. Supervisors went into closed session with Carlton Salmons, attorney, to discuss the request for Meskwaki Land to be put in Trust, and taken from the property tax role. Bernie Lowe was present to give an update on Insurance rates and where the county’s problems are. Claims in t he amount of $62,136.55 were approved for payment.