
Heart month activities education offered by GCMH

GRUNDY CENTER – Members of the public are invited to take advantage of opportunities to learn about heart health during February, which is marked nationwide as Heart Month in an effort to encourage Americans to learn more about how to prevent heart disease.

Begin Valentine’s Day with a free heart disease screening, offered by the hospital at the Grundy Family YMCA, 102 East G Avenue, on Tuesday, February 14, 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. The screening takes about 7 minutes, and will help participants become aware of their key numbers for heart health. Sign up for a time by phoning the YMCA at 825-6210. Fasting is required for 10 12 hours before the morning blood test.

‘Just What the Dr. Ordered’ is a free class scheduled for Monday, February 20, 5:30 7:00 p.m. The February topic is eating well if you have borderline or high blood pressure. A registered dietitian will teach you how to understand food labels and prepare meals that support healthy blood pressure. The class is in the GCMH Education Room. Sign up for the class by phoning 824-5085 or enroll on the hospital’s website, www.grundycountyhospital.org.