

I’m having a hard time getting use to turning on the furnace, but this morning we turned it on to take the chill off the house. Was it only a few days ago that I had the air on. However, we have been having beautiful fall weather even if the mornings are breaking records for the low temperatures. Finally, Virgil found time this afternoon to get outside and help Kevin-I think once a farmer always a farmer.

It seems when this cooler weather comes peoples’ thoughts not only turns to farming but to different things to do and eat. In sports there are football games and soon the World Series. We would be lost without our TV so when our old set died last week it was panic time. There are so many things different with these new TVs, like our old set was very big and very heavy. It took a lot of muscle to even get it out of the entertainment center. Because we aren’t up on all the new technology we just told Kevin to go get us a good TV. It is a HD one and I can record with it without having a recorder. Then Dish Network came, put up a new antenna and other things we needed to be completely upgraded. The technician was gone only an hour when we started having trouble. The one in the living room wouldn’t work and the one in the bedroom stayed on the dish. Kevin has been over twice to get us on the right track and I haven’t even tried to record yet. But I mastered the computer and my tablet is something I couldn’t be without, so I’m sure I’ll get used to this TV.

Cooler weather also means getting out cold weather clothes. The insulated coveralls have been hanging in the garage for a couple weeks, but so far they haven’t been needed. I have fall clothes in my closet but it wasn’t until this last weekend I actually got out a warmer jacket and took my winter coat out of its bag. Also it’s always a job to get gloves, mittens and stocking caps into the closet where they will be handy.

I now like to think about different fall foods. One thing there is plenty of this time of the year is Zucchini, it can be used so many ways, but one thing I do is not plant any because usually at this time of the year more than enough is given to me.


2 eggs

1 cup oil

2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups sugar

2 cups grated zucchini

3 cups flour

3/4 tsp. salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

3 teaspoons cinnamon

3/4 teaspoon baking


1 cup applesauce

Add nuts and raisins if you like.

Beat eggs until light. Add sugar, vanilla and oil, blend well. Stir in applesauce and zucchini. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Blend with creamed mixture. Pour into 2 well greased and floured loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in center of bread comes out dry.

“Some people lock the doors and pretend they’re not home if they see you coming with s sack of zucchini.”