Garwin, Gladbrook Legion burglaries under investigation

TOLEDO – Just after Christmas last month, the American Legion buildings in both Garwin and Gladbrook were burglarized, according to the Tama County Sheriff’s Office.
“[T]here were reports of burglaries at the Garwin and Gladbrook Legions back on [Dec. 27, 2024], Chief Deputy Joe Quandt told the newspaper on Jan. 9. “These burglaries are still under investigation by the Tama County Sheriff’s Office and no other information will be released at this time.”
According to citizens familiar with the recent burglaries, the bars at both Legions were broken into sometime around Dec. 27. The Gladbrook Memorial Building located at 215 Washington Street is home to Ehrig-McTurk American Legion Post 127, while the Garwin Legion-Lounge located downtown at 601 Third Street is home to the Garwin American Legion Post 71.
More recently on the night of Jan. 6-7, the Marshalltown Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 839 Hall was burglarized, and, according to reporting by the Times-Republican newspaper, the Marshalltown Police Department is looking for suspects as part of an ongoing investigation.
According to officials with the Marshalltown VFW, the thieves, who have not been identified or arrested as of press time, gained entry into the building by smashing the back door. The offices of both Post 839 Commander Larry Tuttle and Post 839 Quartermaster Roger Dirks were broken into during the burglary; a safe was stolen containing about $1,000 in cash, $450 in undeposited checks, extra keys, and important papers including the deed to the 107 E. Meadow Lane building.
Post 839 Adjutant Mike Long expressed a sense of frustration with the situation when speaking with the T-R about the Jan. 6-7 burglary.
“We’re having a hard time (and) struggling anyway. It hurts,” he said.
The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans’ organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. The nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide operate as community service organizations.