
Gladbrook Women’s Club March News

GLADBROOK – On March 14 Alyssa and Erinn from Select Therapy at Unity Point Hospital in Marshalltown presented our program. They talked about exercises that we could do for strength, flexibility, and balance. We were shown a few to do and given a printout to use at home.

Co-President Avriel opened the meeting with eighteen members answering roll call with their favorite things about spring.

The February minutes and treasurers’ report were given.

Our May meeting will be at Peppercorn Pantry in Aplington. This is the meeting to invite potential new members to attend with the club paying for their lunch. A sign up sheet was passed around for those who plan to attend.

The signed Valentine Cards were delivered to Westbrook Acres. They were very much appreciated by the residents and staff.

Ideas for programs and projects were discussed. Bring more ideas to our April meeting.

Corn Carnival float ideas were asked for. It was agreed that some kind of presence in the parade is needed. The simpler the better. There will be monetary prizes for the best theme float this year. Discussion to be continued at the April meeting.

We will work the Tama County Fair Food Stand on Thursday July 18. The special that day is the hot beef sundae. The sign up for workers was passed around.

Shirley reported that the Easter egg dying will be held Monday, March 18, at Westbrook Acres. The residents always enjoy this.

With no other business the meeting was adjourned.

