
Westview June news

Yes June was a little calmer than May. We had so many birthdays in May it seemed like we were having a party a couple times a week. Oh well, it was fun anyway.

We always start every day at the coffee pot visiting and looking forward for the mail. There is usually a good group out for this, but if you would rather sleep in you can do that too.

We had several good entertainers this month. On the 6th Jeralyn’s dancers came and danced for us. Their costumes are so neat and they’re fun to watch. Dennis Perry came and played the guitar and sang for us on the 14th. He has a new CD out and it is very good. On the 21st it was music by Jeanie Uncorked with a couple of local guys, Neal and Kenny, in the group. We always enjoy having you stop in at Westview. Sugar and Spice played for us on the 25th they are getting to know what songs we like to sing along with them.

Ethel Mae Petersen was the only one to have a birthday this month on the 27th so she treated us to cake, ice cream and lemonade, or coffee. Several family members and friends came so thanks Ethel Mae and many more birthdays.

Janet Schildroth came for bible study on the 18th and our 10 a.m. worship service on the 20th with Robin Plocher.

On the 8th we enjoyed root beer floats. Otherwise we keep busy with our usual things like exercise three times a week and several people use the exercise bike in the activity room. Cards on Tuesdays and try to play bingo a couple of times a month. We attended the popular book club, not only for Westview people, but anyone from the community can attend this.

I forgot to tell you last month to be sure and check these books out at the Reinbeck library, Voyagers of the Titanic in large print in memory of Art Tille and Honor Flight by Tom Spoonts in memory of Ray Boege. I am so glad Ray got to go on the Honor Flight. He was proud of his service duties.

If it is too hot to do anything you can always stop in and visit at Westview.

Stay cool and pray for a nice gentle rain.