
Westview News

I can’t believe July 4th will soon be here. June just buzzed right on by.

On the 4th we had a good crowd out for bingo and on the 5th we had a farewell party for Paul Sporleder, a teacher at Gladbrook-Reinbeck high school. He came in the middle of the school year and needed a place to live so he rented an apartment here. We had Dale Wambold bring him here after their faculty picnic at Lincoln. He said to Dale “Irma’s car is in the parking lot they must be playing bingo again so he was really surprised. He enjoyed sitting around in the evening and visiting with the people here and that was always a fun time. He would go out with us on our night on the town so we gave him one of our Westview shirts for a going away gift. We miss not having him around. We had coffee, punch and dessert and sat and visited and took pictures.

The 11th we had our Lifelines checked and a delicious meal from the Fountain On Main.

On the 12th we had 2 vans and a car load of people that take off at 10 a.m. and headed towards Hazelton for an all day outing in Amish Country. We stopped for lunch in Fairbanks and made many stops along the way at homes and shops and bakeries. Our last stop was at a farm house bakery so Rosie and Florence decided they would just stay in the car, we had already stopped at a couple of bakeries, they said “just roll down the windows” but I had parked next to a hog house, how fast you forget moving from the farm to town about that fresh country air. We certainly had a good laugh anyway. What a fun day everyone was ready for bed that night.

June 18th Christie took some of the guys to Waterloo for the Two Cylinder XIX Expo at the National Cattle Congress Ground. There was exhibits, swap meets, tractor sales and seminars. It was hot that day but very interesting. Thanks Christie for doing this.

The 21st was Father’s Day so at 4 p.m. we had our own private party room in the garages for all the Westview guys and their sons or friends and even some daughters in attendance. Tables were decorated with toy antique tractors and Robert & Shirley Dufel brought in their 730 John Deere, Bob Morrow had a Ford tractor, Joel Ehrig had his 4020 John Deere and Kenny Thede had his 1938 John Deere A. So thank you all for doing this it was good conservation for everyone. The party started out with pop, beer, bottled water, and lemonade and at 4:30 p.m. P.T. Grillers brought pork chops on a stick, baked potatoes, butter and sour cream, coleslaw and dinner rolls. Christie and I furnished the desserts of rhubarb crisp, triple chocolate bundt cake, sour cream raisin pie, angel food cake with strawberries and an ice cream sandwich dessert. Thanks to Kathy Holst for extra chairs and Sharon Wambold for helping Christie and I. There was over 40 of us enjoying this. Happy Father’s Day to all.

While we were partying in the garage the ladies were in the dining room having the 3 p.m. sing-a-long with Anna Marie Plaehn playing the piano.

On the 24th it was lunch from Corner Cafe which is always good and at 1:30 it was Bunco with the gals from LSB. What a good crowd out for this. It sounded like a lively bunch when I stopped in and this is what we like. Thanks LSB for doing this.

For our night on the town we are heading to the Iron Horse Bar and Grill (formerly the Old Deport) at Traer.

Birthdays this month are: Christie’s on the 8th and Ethel Mae Petersen on the 27th. Ethel Mae had lots of family members besides all of her Westview friends for coffee and kolaches.

Be sure and watch for us in the parade on the 4th and check out our calendar for July, we’ve got some good entertainment coming and visitors are always welcome.

Take care and enjoy the 4th.