
Local Columns

A Christian Voting Guide: Three Priorities

This Fall brings another Presidential election cycle, which I’ve learned means one thing: spiritual warfare. In the lead up and aftermath of a Presidential election, things always get really hard in a hundred different ways in people’s everyday lives that are seemingly disconnected from ...

Dengler Domain: Kolaches

When traveling around the country or the world, it is always important to try new foods. Each part of the country has their own specialty like the South and barbecue, New York City and pizza, or coastal regions and fish. No matter where else one has these foods, it always tastes better in these ...

Dengler Domain: Memorial Day

With May ending, it is time to remember why the last Monday of the month is a holiday. Memorial Day is a time to remember all those United States military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. While it might be a day off for many, this holiday should mean the most ...

Dengler Domain: Wealth

“Kids these days do not remember a time before the internet.” “They do not know what it is like to not have a device in their pocket which connects them with the world.” “Kids are too addicted to YouTube.” These are paraphrased quotes I have heard from time to time to describe the ...

Pastor’s Corner: Salem Church of Lincoln May Message

In I Corinthians 1:10ff, we read, “Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same minds and the same purpose.” Paul continues with the understanding ...

On Nature: Combat Climate Change with a Carbon Tax

Taxing carbon pollution is a favored way to combat climate change because it is easy to apply. Put a tax on the carbon emitted by a manufacturing process and let the market decide whether the extra cost of a product is worth it. A carbon tax is also fair. Manufacturers should pay for the ...

Dengler Domain: Rain

This year’s weather feels different. With farming, paying attention to the weather is key. Three tabs are open on my phone’s web browser with weather related information which does not include also checking the weather app. The previous two years were so easy. Look at the forecast, see no ...

Pastor’s Corner: Play Ball

Nothing gets me more excited than the smell of freshly cut grass, the chalk lines being drawn around the batter’s box, and the smell of hotdogs and popcorn in the air. I am sure by now you know I am talking about the great sport of Baseball. Nine innings of trying to figure out who is going ...

Dengler Domain: Soil

If you are a farmland owner and you have not had a discussion about cover crops on your land with your farmer, it may be in your best interest. Most family land is more than likely going to be passed down to the next generation so why not ensure it is in the best shape? The best way to protect ...

Baptisms, Confirmations, and New Members

There is a revival in Garwin! If a Church is like a sailboat, then you can’t make the wind blow, but you can have open sails. Over the last year, God has been helping us to fix up our boat and teaching us to open our sails again. Now, by God’s grace, the wind is blowing! This April and ...