
Pastor’s Corner Rev. Barb Muhs, pastor, Salem Church of Lincoln Lincoln, Iowa

HAPPY NEW YEAR! During this season that many of us know as Epiphany we are invited to think about the journey that the Wise Men, the Magi or as some prefer to call them, astrologers journeyed to find the Christ child. Over the years we have been taught that there were three of these persons that made this journey. Historians have in more recent years said we really don’t know how many there were and we have made an assumption that there were three as there were three gifts presented to the child upon their arrival. What a journey they must have had traveling for years and following a bright star, contemplating what they had heard Herod say and then thinking, and or planning a way to avoid a quick return to this ruler. The word that pops into my mind when I think of these men is, “patience”. Patience is one thing that many people (myself included), don’t seem to have much of these days. We live in an instant gratification society that has led us to expect all things in the here and now. In 2019, I pray that we can all learn to be patient and non-judgmental. That we can remind one another that being patient is not only a way to think through situations but it is also a gift that God wants for us. When I was in high school, (many years ago), I remember someone introducing me to a song by the Gaithers…“Have Patience”. In the song we are reminded of being patient with others as God has been patient with us. We are reminded that when we get impatient we start to worry about an outcome. As you patiently wait for epiphany to arrive (12 days after Christmas), may the gift of patience be yours and when we complete the celebration of the Magi’s arrival may you have patience throughout the year and allow God to lead you where God has plans for you. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2 |