
Pastor’s Corner Rev. Dr. Paul Knupp Jr., Interim pastor, Peace United Church of Christ Gladbrook, Iowa

I have lived in Los Angeles and on the East Coast. In my 66 years, I have probably met 100,000 people. After over a year In Gladbrook Iowa, I can truly say I have met the finest people in my lifetime. Our church, Peace Church in Gladbrook Iowa has the finest people of faith I have met in my 32 years of church service. They are people of faith, they love God and their neighbor, they serve Christ whole-Heartedly. Do yourself a favor, if you have never attended Peace United Church of Christ in Gladbrook, to come meet these people. You’ll be glad you did it. I am finished as the interim minister for Gladbrook Peace UCC at the end of this month. I am sorely going to miss coming to Gladbrook and seeing it’s people. Never doubt that you have an advantage to living in Gladbrook. Your advantage here is that you can live out here Christianity in a real way without the confusion of the city. Cities inherently involve too much noise, too much crime, too many distractions. In Gladbrook you can slow down and think and act according to your Christian faith. I do have some lasting connections to Gladbrook I have become a member of the church, and the sons of the American Legion. These are lasting connections that will gratefully secure me to Gladbrook for the near future. I will miss my people. I can only say goodbye for now, until we meet again. I pray that we will see each other soon. If not I will plan to see you eventually. And, I pray Christ blessing on you and your families and your successful future, Amen.