
Pastor’s Corner Rev. Barb Muhs, pastor, Salem Church of Lincoln Lincoln, Iowa

As a child I remember having a calendar on the kitchen wall. This is of course the place where events were written down and notes were attached for upcoming events. In “the day” this was a family communication center where we all would look to see what was happening. Around Thanksgiving a second calendar would appear right next to our yearly calendar. Every evening, after dinner and before the dishes were done, mom would gather the four of us around and we would take turns to open one new door each night to see what was behind the door. As the youngest my older siblings would read the scripture and I would identify the animal or character. I couldn’t remember the name of this special calendar but I always remembered the fun of opening the doors and seeing the pictures. Eventually I remembered the name “Advent” and got anxious each year for the time of, “opening doors.” I then remember my mother telling how hard it was becoming to purchase such a calendar and the tradition of our Advent calendar was dropped. Many years later, I would find Advent Calendars in the store filled with a piece of candy behind each door and I just couldn’t bring myself to buy one…there was something about waiting during this season and perhaps this was one of many lessons about instant gratification. Advent…a time to WAIT, for some it is a time to become anxious about the upcoming Christmas season and all the expectations the season brings. In Matthew 24: 36 we read, “No one knows, however, when the hour will come – neither the angels in heaven nor the Son; the Father alone knows.” these words were written by Matthew as he was relating to the second coming of Christ and while we read them, we know now what Matthew was referring to. In ancient days the people heard Isaiah tell about a young girl who would give birth to the Savior and the people waited…and wandered and Jesus was born! After Jesus was crucified the believers waited and in three days the words Jesus spoke came to be. After the resurrection people began waiting for the coming of Christ and thought it would happen in their lifetime. Here we are some 2000+ years later and we still wait not knowing what each day will bring. During Advent, it is my prayer and wish for each of you that you can quietly open a new door and see what wisdom waits for you. And as you wait embrace the season and remember what it was like to wait. The pain, the anxious, the joys the anticipation and yes, if it be God’s will, we shall celebrate Christmas on December 25th and know that God is with us…Emmanuel.