
Library News

Those of you who use audio books and e books will be interested to learn that Overdrive has announced a circulation challenge for 2016. If Bridges, the e book and audio book buying consortium for Iowa public libraries, makes 100% or more of their circulation goal, they will be awarded $500 to $1,000 in content credit to purchase more new titles. Bridges circulation goal has been set at 1,622,100 checkouts by Dec. 31, 2016. As of late October, they are at less than 900,000, so there’s some reading to do. You can help by checking out books from Bridges. There is a link off our library website, reinbeck.lib.ia.us , which many of you are already familiar with. Our local patrons with library cards may use Bridges at no cost. We encourage people to make good use of it, and that will enable us to have more new titles.

Looking ahead this week: Story time will be held on Tuesday, November 8th at 10:00 a.m.. High school students will be doing the program. The library will not be open on Veteran’s Day, Friday, November 11. Look for our tree at the bank for Miracle on Main. Also Kathy Holst will have a Laura Ingalls Wilder display at the library during November.