
Board of Supervisors set to make bond changtes to combine radio system and 2013 road improvements By John Speer Central Iowa Press jspeer@tamatoledonews.com

A savings target of $200,000 in taxpayer money was set Monday, April 20, by the Tama Coutny Baord of Supervisors during a Zoom electornic meeting with Heidi Kuhl and Jeff Heil, representatives of Northland Securities. Kuhl told the board the interest rate charge since their last discussion had dropped to currently less than 2%. She said the market does fluctuate and supervisors then chose to continue the proceedings when the target can be met at a new, favorable interest rate. She said such a circumstance could occur at any time and expected the end of this week or early next week as the time to make the new agreement. Supervisors did approve a pair of motions on Monday putting in place the frame work to allow the unpaid portion of the general obligation bonds issued in 2013 to be redeemed and then combined with new bond issue at a lower rate. The 2013 bonds funded extensive rural road work primarily and repayment was based upon additional money received from tax assessments as the result of wind turbine installations across northwestern Tama County. Additional funding is needed now to pay for new radio equipment, towers and installation set at a total cots of $6.7 million. It will replace the 911 emergency and law enforcement radio system which is “failing at an alarming rate” according to Tama County Emergency Management and E911 Director Mindy Benson. In otehr business Monday the supervisors: • approved the quarterly report of Sheriff Dennis Kucera showing total receipts of $114,933 including- law enforcement contracts- $50,985; Task Force / wages / overtime- $14,691; fees due county $9,946; permits to carry $2,340; and permits to purchase $480. •also approved the quarterly report of Tama county Auditor Laura Kopsa showing receipts totaling $227 in maps and plat book sales and $13 in miscellaneous collections. •set special meeting for Tuesday to consider the Wellmark plan to add coronavirus coverage at no extra cost ot employee insurance coverage.