
GMG Radio Broadcasting performs at All State

Photo by Margaret Thomsen Pictured are team WKRD - Zoe Duncan, Frances Jackson, Ethan Karsjen, Chloe Cornwell, Connor Casto and Coach Jaimie Gargas.

GMG Radio Broadcasting Team WKRD performed at the prestigious All State Large Group event on February 16. The event is sponsored by the Iowa High School Speech Association and was held at Iowa State University. Members of the team are Connor Casto, Zoe Duncan, Ethan Karsjen, Frances Jackson and Chloe Cornwell. Coach is Mr. Jaimie Gargas.

Radio Broadcasting is a 5 to 6 minute news cast and can take place anywhere in time. Team WKRD portrayed news taking place as the fateful September 11 attack took place in New York City. The powerful script was the brain child of senior Connor Casto and was written by the team.

To perform at All State the entry must be nominated by judges at the State event. Representing 139 schools, less than 1,800 students from across Iowa earned the right to be named Outstanding Performers. Approximately 24,000 students started at the district level from over 347 schools.

GMG has had a number of students perform at All State in Radio Broadcasting and Group Improv over the past 20 years. The speech competitions place the smallest of schools right up against the class four A schools. There is no class designation.