
Supervisors updated on assault care program By John Speer CIP jspeer@tamatoledonews.com

Abuse and assault victims in Tama County received shelter and support in a total of 39 cases from the ACCESS (Assault Care Center Enhancing Safety and Support) Tess Cody, exectutive director, reported to Tama County Supervisors during their Monday morning, Nov. 26, session. The period covered fiscal 2017-18. A breakdown of the care center showed shelter and support to 26 survivors of domestic abuse three violent crime survivors, a total of six survivors of sexual abuse (adults and children), and four classified as unknown victimization. A further breakdown of services requested in Tama County were individual counseling and follow up- 77 hours; housing and economic advocacy- 48 hours; civil legal advocacy- 25.8 hours; and criminal legal advocacy- 17 hours, Access maintains office hours weekly in the Tama County Courthouse in Toledo. In addition a 24-hour toll free crisis lines and in-person response for victim safety and emergency needs. Tama County contributed $1,500 in funding to the program in the past which Cody again requested for 2018-19. Headquartered in Ames, ACCESS provides services to four additional central Iowa counties including Marshall, Story, Boone and Greene. ACCESS Crisis Lines Sexual Abuse Services – 1-800-203-3488 Domestic Abuse Services 1-855-983-4641 Housing Services 1-855-696-2980 Video Phone 1-515-884-8340 In other business Monday the supervisors: •approved a five-day native wine license application for The Whimsical Wine Trailer to operate at 3338 Hickory Hills Road, rural LaPorte City. •learned from County Engineer Lyle Brehm a five ton bridge has been replaced with culverts in Lincoln Township 1; the City of Dysart is requesting gravel on 200th Street, a Class B road, for access to the city lagoon. •approved claims totaling $42,702.