
G-R Elementary delivers pop tabs to Ronald McDonald House

Avery Boyer delivered 30 gallons of pop tabs from G-R Elementary to the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City in August 2018.

Dear G-R Community, Thank you for collecting all of the pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. We delivered six 5-gallon Buckets of pop tabs this summer. They weighed 72 pounds. Did you know that the TAB has more aluminum than the entire can? To donate you can send pop tabs with a student or bring them into G-R Elementary. Also, look for the big blue McTabs for Kids Buckets around town. Our goal this year is to fill 8 big blue McTabs for Kids Buckets. This would be almost 100 pounds. Please help us reach our goal. Sincerely, Avery Boyer

G-R Elementary delivers pop tabs to Ronald McDonald House

Avery Boyer delivered 30 gallons of pop tabs from G-R Elementary to the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City in August 2018.

Dear G-R Community, Thank you for collecting all of the pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. We delivered six 5-gallon Buckets of pop tabs this summer. They weighed 72 pounds. Did you know that the TAB has more aluminum than the entire can? To donate you can send pop tabs with a student or bring them into G-R Elementary. Also, look for the big blue McTabs for Kids Buckets around town. Our goal this year is to fill 8 big blue McTabs for Kids Buckets. This would be almost 100 pounds. Please help us reach our goal. Sincerely, Avery Boyer