
Chad Mussig

Dear Santa,

It’s that time of year again. I know that you have received Christmas letters from my children already, but this year I really would like you to give consideration to me, a GR parent. I have been pretty good, I even got up the Christmas lights in November like my wife had asked. I have lots of things that I would love, but here are my top ten.

1. I would like more patience and understanding before I make comments about our school that might hurt someone’s feelings.

2. I would like the administration, school board, and the community committee to know that I appreciate the time they are investing to help make decisions for our school. Even if they have offended me in their comments, I know it was unintentional.

3. I would like our entire school district to begin future sensitive discussions more carefully. Would you make sure that all future leaders in our school district read the book “Crucial Conversations” subtitled “Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High?” If you don’t have any copies left, tell the elves to find it on Amazon for $6.03.

4. I would like all teachers to realize how grateful I am for the work they do! Please give them each a gold plated IPhone 6 Plus.

5. I would like all people in the GR school district to realize our school is worth the 17 mile drive whether it is to Gladbrook for a football game or Reinbeck to watch the school play.

6. I would like magical ear plugs for all students and teachers in our district so they don’t have to listen to all the stuff that we are talking about.

7. For Coach Olson and his entire coaching staff, a gold plated IPhone 6 Plus. (For the coaches that are also teachers, give them two).

8. Please grant me no more lost sleep over-thinking school issues. I am already tired enough.

9. Even though this is at the bottom of the list, it is really important that you give me the ability to act with sensitivity if the current issue is voted on in February.

10. Finally, would you please bring me a gold plated IPhone 6 Plus?

Thanks Santa! Merry Christmas.


Chad Mussig

GR Parent

Gladbrook, Iowa