Tama County’s Cordt Holub advances in Farm Bureau Discussion Meet

From left to right: Coltin Schachtner Kramer of Pocahontas County, Cordt Holub of Tama County, Keaton Keitzer of Des Moines County, Larissa Schippers of Mahaska County, Amanda Hoefler of Dubuque County, Kaitlyn Porter of Franklin County, Jarret Horn of Jasper County and Alyssa Yoder of Iowa County. Not pictured: Molly Dolch of Adair County and Jacob Smith of Fremont County. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
WEST DES MOINES – Cordt Holub of Tama County has been named a semi-finalist in the Iowa Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer Conference Discussion Meet.
Unlike a debate, the Discussion Meet promotes an exchange of ideas and explores solutions to key challenges facing agriculture. Participants are evaluated on their cooperative attitude, problem-solving abilities, delivery and analysis of the topics. The format includes a 30-second opening statement, 25 minutes of group discussion and a 60-second closing statement.
This year’s topics included strategies to encourage youth involvement in agriculture and overcoming challenges that deter young farmers from participating in state and local politics.
As a semi-finalist Holub will receive coaching throughout the year to prepare for the final rounds, scheduled for December 9-10, 2025, during the Iowa Farm Bureau Annual Meeting & County Leadership Conference in Des Moines.