Garwin Freedom Days officially began at 8 a.m. on July 6 with a flag raising ceremony. Raising the flag were Navy Veterans Claude Smith and Stan Neiderman. Playing the "Star Spangled Banner" were instrumentalists Jill Roberts, Noah Teske and Dan Lastovka. PHOTOS BY MARGARET THOMSEN
The food was abundant, delicious and varied at the Garwin Freedom Days held at the Garwin City Park on Saturday, July 6. Pictured are the Tama County Cattlemen who provided grilled beef in the evening. The Garwin Boy Scouts manned a popcorn stand. The Garwin Lions Club served a pancake breakfast and the Garwin Fire Department provided a pulled pork BBQ at noon. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
The weather was absolutely perfect for the large crown attending the Garwin Freedom Days celebration. The Garwin Enrichment League was the organizer and promoter of the popular event. Pictured are some of the committee members as they manned the groups' booth including Brooklyn Ridout, Chris Deam, Delainey McCubbin, Darcy McCubbin, Nevaeh Million, Kaisen Kienzle, and Kristine Kienzle. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
The Garwin Lions-sponsored kids’ inflatables were the hit of the day with the younger children. Pictured are a group of them swarming to get their turn at bouncing. PHOTOS BY MARGARET THOMSEN
The corn toss games were a popular event with lots of prizes. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Over 65 antique tractors were entered in the Antique Power Show, sponsored by the Garwin Lions Club. There were tractors restored to mint condition and tractors that came in from working every day. Pictured are a few lined up in Garwin City Park. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
The celebration was started about 17 years ago by the late Wayne Judge, Sr. as a tribute to the Hit and Miss Engines so popular on the farm in the early years of farming. After Wayne's passing Joe Parks of Garwin took it upon himself to continue the tradition and add the antique tractors and farm implements. Joe said, "I am just giving back to Garwin. I was raised here and owe this community a lot. It is the least I can do to put this together and create a place for families to come back to and reunite to celebrate." PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Joe Parks is pictured with his Minneapolis Moline 1962 Jet Star. This tractor has a history in the local area. Lyle Lorenson of the firm Lorensen and Beale sold implements in Garwin and he sold this tractor to Raymond Rider. Raymond used it all his farming days and at his retirement sale, the tractor was purchased by his neighbor Louie Johnson. When Louie passed Joe Parks purchased the tractor. The interesting thing Joe says is "... the tractor never left Carleton Township and has been just a few miles from Garwin for the last fifty-plus years. I started out working for Lyle Lorensen many years ago and it just felt right to add this tractor to my collection.” PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Mention the name of Doug Stamp of Garwin and someone is sure to say, "Oh, he's the guy with all the AC tractors." Correct. He brought about 13 tractors and he is not the only Stamp associated with the AC tractor. Son Chad and grandson Ayden are also devoted to the AC tractor. Doug is pictured with a 1948 G. It sports 12 HP and was made in Atlanta, Georgia. The original use was for vegetable farming. It has a 1 bottom 10-inch plow. Doug found it advertised online in Wisconsin. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Randy Clough, Garwin, has a lifelong interest in old tractors. He is pictured with his big blue 1967 Ford 4000. This tractor came from northeast Iowa and has 48 HP. To the left of Randy are two more Fords. Note they are red and not the traditional blue associated with Ford tractors of later years. The far left tractor is a Ford 4-wheel drive 671 Select. It has 35 HP. The original owner was Ralph Wilkerson. The middle Ford is a 1953 Ford Jubilee. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Newell Drury, a Garwin area farmer, has lots of antique tractors and vehicles. He is pictured with a unique 1962 Minneapolis Moline Jet Star. This tractor has 50 HP and was restored when Newell purchased it in NE Iowa. The unusual color was only used for a few years and is fairly rare in collecting. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
This 1946 Willy's Jeep was originally owned by Stan Walton, a Gladbrook area builder. He used it for trenching for footings for the buildings he sold and constructed. Newell has had it for about 40 years. The Jeep has very low mileage. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Jay Bessman is pictured with two unique tractors. They are AC High Crop. Original to the southern United States, the tractor behind Jay originated in Louisiana and was used to pull sugar cane wagons out of the fields. The tractor on his left is a 7020 AC and actually has an air-conditioned cab. It has about 120 HP and was manufactured in the mid-70s. It can pull a 5-bottom plow. Jay and his Dad Byron Brssman purchased the tractor in Indiana. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN
Ayden Stamp is pictured with his garden tractor and wagon with the pedal AC tractor. This was a Clover Kids 4-H project in 2023. He will be in fourth grade at GMG this fall. PHOTO BY MARGARET THOMSEN