
Alpha Study Club meets, reviews ‘The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid’

GLADBROOK – Alpha Study Club met at the home of Marcia Koester on May 28 with 16 members present. Vice President Deb Wentzien called the meeting to order in the absence of President Avriel Koester who had knee surgery. The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were read. There was no correspondence or Old Business.

Under New Business, the committee assignments for 2024/2025 were handed out. A memorial book for John Clausen will be purchased for the library. Our last meeting of the year until September will be at the home of Claire Handorf at 12:30 p.m. with the Social Committee acting as hostesses.

Marcia Koester reviewed the book “The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid” by Bill Bryson. Bill Bryson spent his childhood growing up in Des Moines, Iowa, as a member of the baby boom generation. He describes his early life and his parents. His father was a well known sports writer for the Des Moines Register. His mother was a home furnishings writer also for the Register.

He recounts many things that were invented during his childhood that fascinated him, which include frozen dinners, atomic toilets and television. His middle class, all American lifestyle is shown constantly throughout the book and the influence of his Depression era raised parents rubs off on him. He also remembers his adventures as “the Thunderbolt Kid,” an alter ego he made up for himself when he felt powerless.

