Meet the Tama County Board of Supervisors District 3 GOP Candidates: Heather Knebel
Ahead of the June 4 Primary Election, Tama-Grundy Publishing sent questionnaires to all candidates running in contested races for the Tama County Board of Supervisors including those running for the Republican nomination in District 3 which includes townships of Spring Creek, Crystal, and Perry, and parts of far northern Carlton (excluding Garwin) and Howard. The district encompasses the communities of Gladbrook and Traer. Heather Knebel is one of three candidates for the Republican nomination. No candidate filed paperwork for the Democratic primary in the race. The winner of the June 4 Republican primary will run in the General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. The office of Tama County Supervisors District 3 is a 2-year term.
Heather Knebel
Age: 35
Residence location: Rural Traer, IA
Profession: Supply Management Specialist at John Deere and Owner/Manager of a Trucking/Freight Brokerage.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Finance – Financial Services, University of Northern Iowa; 2007 graduate, North Tama High School (Maiden name is Wilson)
Family: Husband Aaron, son Emmitt and daughter Ellie May.
1) Why do you want to be a county supervisor? What is your motivation for running?
I am running for Tama County District 3 Supervisor because I wholeheartedly care about Tama County and the people that live here. We have some of the best agricultural land in the world, thriving small-town businesses, and a county that I want to see prosper for years to come. I want my children to have the same freedoms and opportunities that I’ve enjoyed. The old and outdated Zoning Ordinances need to be updated for wind and solar energy projects that will protect all landowners and the county. Because technology changes rapidly, each county must update ordinances to protect land, livestock, wildlife, and people. I want to save taxpayers money and make sound business decisions for the county. I plan to find the best solutions for maintaining our gravel roads and would collaborate with other counties to find the best practices to do so. Learning from others is a key to success. I want to bring transparency and open discussions to Board of Supervisor meetings. I feel a County Supervisor should listen to their constituents, even if they don’t agree, to learn of their concerns and develop solutions that benefit everyone.
2) Have you previously run for elected office? If so, for what office(s)?
No, I have not run for an elected office before.
3) What distinguishes you from the other candidates in your primary race?
I feel my finance education and business background is a huge asset. I’ve worked at John Deere for 12 years in Supply Management and have managed suppliers of critical engine components, with budgets in the millions of dollars. I’ve received highly successful performance ratings almost every year in Business and People Goals. I also manage a trucking business with my husband and do the bookkeeping. I am the sole owner and manager of a freight brokerage business, connecting customers to trucks carrying their freight. I am a Christian, an ethical problem solver, and will listen and research the issues at hand. I will do everything possible to protect Tama County and its residents rather than out of state developers. I will listen and learn their viewpoints but will firmly stand for the majority of taxpayer’s interests, while at the same time keeping our county profitable. I will do the necessary research and continue to learn. This isn’t a retirement job for me, but rather a job to make positive changes in Tama County.
4) What changes, if any, do you believe need to be made in Tama County government?
If elected as a Tama County Supervisor, I will follow the Iowa Code. I will openly discuss topics in the public meetings with the other Supervisors. I will allow the public to speak on any issue they choose instead of just agenda items. I will review and research material prior to meetings before any approvals. I would like to livestream the weekly meetings via Zoom and post them on the county website for people who cannot attend. I would encourage the Zoning Commission to meet regarding any county Ordinances for needed updates. I will ensure employees in all functions are trained as well as recognized for their achievements. Competitive bidding will be sought for contractors or banks to ensure the county is getting the best bid or interest rate. I would rely on the advice of our elected Tama County Attorney for legal services instead of paying for outside attorneys. Several issues in Tama County may have been prevented by using the county attorney elected by Tama County citizens.
5) What challenges does Tama County face today that you would like to see addressed by the county board of supervisors? If elected, what would you do to help address those challenges?
The wind/solar topic is still the largest issue in the county. I would enact a moratorium to give the county time to research and update our Zoning Ordinances. We need to come together as a county, discuss these issues, and find solutions that the majority of taxpayers want. I would do a deep dive into the County budget. There is a “miscellaneous fund” line item in the budget with millions of dollars in it today. I will reach out to other counties of similar size and compare our budgets. I will find ways to reduce waste. Roads are a big concern for many people. Solutions may include putting down clean rock, hauling from higher quality quarries, or training county road maintenance employees adequately. I will work closely with each department head to understand their concerns and solutions.
6) Following the 2024 election, do you believe the county needs to return to a three-member board of supervisors? Why or why not?
No. I believe Tama County should remain as a 5-member board as voters approved that ballot measure by 62% in the 2022 election. Out of 99 counties, Tama County ranked as the 9th largest county based on land area, not on population. Having 5 Supervisors helps to bring unique perspectives from the different areas of Tama County. Our neighboring county, Grundy County, has 5 Supervisors and it’s been working very well for them. With 5 Supervisors instead of 3, each Supervisor will have more time to focus on their local district, talk to residents, understand their concerns, and research issues at hand. Another risk of having 3 supervisors is the possibility of 1 member abstaining from voting or having a conflict of interest. This would result in a 1 to 1 tie and items couldn’t be passed on that specific topic. With 5 members, this is less likely to occur. I do recognize that with a 5-member board there will be additional costs to the county, but when you think of the millions of dollars this county manages, having 5 good Supervisors will increase the likelihood to save more money than just 2 additional part time salaries/benefits. The candidates running this year are highly qualified. This is mainly due to the increase to 5 Supervisors and their desire to run Tama County government as Iowa Code dictates.
7) The development of utility scale wind/solar energy projects in Tama County continues to be a divisive issue. What is your position and why regarding A) a possible wind and/or solar energy moratorium – temporary or otherwise, and B) property rights as it relates to utility scale wind and solar energy projects?
I agree completely that we need a moratorium on industrial wind and solar. Besides minor changes in 2010, the wind ordinance is 25 years old. We currently don’t have an Industrial Solar Ordinance or a re-powering Ordinance for wind/solar. We have a Zoning Commission whose responsibility is to propose updates to Zoning Ordinances, yet our current Supervisors have not encouraged this 5-member Commission to meet and discuss necessary revisions. I will stand up for the well-being of the county and its residents. The Gladbrook Vienna Wind Farm is currently scheduled to be re-powered (new motor and longer blades) this year. I would have recommended a revision to the current Ordinance with language specifically addressing this re-power to ensure the county, landowners, and roads were all protected.
I believe landowners have the right to make decisions affecting their property, but not if those decisions infringe on their neighbor’s property rights as well. I’m a firm believer in the 2nd greatest commandment to love your neighbor. An acreage owner shouldn’t have to live with a 500+ foot industrial wind turbine next to their house, or to have their property landlocked on 3 sides by rows and rows of industrial solar panels. At what point do we go back to being a community that takes care of one another and cares about others’ well being and livelihood? I will listen to and learn from our hardworking farmers that are struggling with higher taxes to help find solutions. I am a farmer’s daughter and I understand the up and down cycles of farming. We must always remember that we are stewards to God’s land. We have some of the highest quality and productive soil in the entire world. It deserves to be protected. Developers have easements that include entire fields, not just the wind turbine locations. These easements could later be sold to other companies, which may include foreign entities. This is a critical issue that Iowa is facing right now. If eminent domain or the state were to take over the permitting process, know that I will fight for all landowners. I would go to the State Capital to speak with Legislators to help protect Tama County citizens to the best of my ability.
8) Why should people vote for you on June 4, 2024?
I believe I’m the best candidate for District 3 Supervisor and am graciously asking you to vote for me on June 4th. I am a businesswoman, I’m passionate, knowledgeable, and I have compassion. I will listen, learn, research, ask questions, and make sound decisions. I’m a Mom, wife, and a Christian. I have lived in Tama County my entire life and was raised on a farm. I understand how to run a business and work with others to accomplish tasks at hand. I will protect Tama County at all costs and work hard to save taxpayers money. I stand behind what I say I will do and have a drive for success. Thank you for everyone’s support and please remember to vote in person or via absentee for the June 4 primary election! This primary race is critical as there is no Democrat running in District 3. Please follow me at “Heather Knebel for Tama County Supervisor” on Facebook to continue to learn more about me. God Bless! (Paid for by Heather Knebel for Tama County Supervisor)