Tama County Republicans hold county convention
Sheriff Dennis Kucera acknowledges upcoming retirement
TAMA – Tama County Republicans hosted 40 delegates from county-wide to the Tama County Republican Convention on Saturday, February 17 at the Tama Civic Center in Tama.
The event was chaired by Mark Doland of rural Toledo.
Tama County Attorney, Brent Heeren, of Toledo and Nancy Yuska of rural Buckingham, served as Parliamentarian and Secretary, respectively.
Tama County’s Iowa State Senator Annette Sweeney, Iowa State Representative Dean Fisher, and Sheriff candidates Lucas Dvorak, Casey Schmidt, and Third District Supervisor candidates Maurice McWhirter and Heather Knebel all addressed the convention.
In addition, retiring Sheriff Dennis Kucera expressed his thanks to all Tama County Republicans for their support during his 24 year tenure as Tama County Sheriff.
A platform was debated and adopted by the convention delegates as a statement of Tama County Republican beliefs and stances on issues for use at the Party’s District convention April 6th, State convention in Des Moines May 4th, and National Convention in Milwaukee beginning July 15th.
Refreshments were provided by the Tama County Republican Women’s group.