Tama Co. Board of Supervisors meeting Nov. 29
Possible Humane Society contract discussed

Tama County Administration Building, 104 W State St., Toledo, Iowa. SUN COURIER FILE PHOTO
TOLEDO – Bow wow, wow yippy yo yippy hey, this is what went on at last week’s Tama Co. Supervisors meeting. Dogs, pooches, K-9s, whatever you want to call the furry little creatures, were the main subjects of the meeting.
Kayla Kerkove, director of the Tama County Humane Society, came to Monday’s meeting to discuss establishing a contract with the county sheriff’s office regarding stray dogs. The humane society already has contracts with the local police departments, including Tama and Toledo, regarding stray animals.
Sheriff Dennis Kucera showed up to discuss the possible contract. The main subject of the contract resolved around when a Sheriff’s Deputy would pull over and then arrest (or the like) someone who had their pet in the vehicle. Kucera’s main issue is the transfer of the animal to the humane society as the sheriff’s vehicles are for inmates and patients.
Money was also an issue, but it was resolved that the sheriff’s department would recoup the humane society’s fee by fining the animal’s owner. Things seemed to be agreed upon at the end of the discussions, but nothing was put into stone. Kerkove will return with a new contract.
The Tama County Engineer reported that they are gearing up for winter and putting wings on the trucks. They continue to drive piles and work on the K Avenue bridge. Also, some utility permits were signed.
A letter written by Safety Director Garrison Reekers on behalf of the supervisors regarding the troublesome intersection of Highway 30 and V18 was signed and sent off to the state.
Claims totaling $135,928.22 were approved.