Always Making it GReat!
It’s starting to look a lot like the Holiday Season here at GR!
We kicked off the holiday season with our Giving Tree at the Miracle on Main Soup Supper where we received donations of hats, mittens, boots, and other outdoor clothing items. Thanks to those who contributed, students at GR will be having a much warmer winter. The tree has been moved to the High School and we are accepting donations until Dec. 15. Help us spread the warmth!
Congratulations to GR for winning 2nd place at the LSB Tree Walk for our Rebel Tree!
In the midst of the holiday hoopla we continue to take care of our kiddos with our monthly hygiene packages. A survey was sent out to the district earlier in the year and families replied with any needs they may have. We have several families who requested help with their hygiene products. We have a wonderful group of individuals who have donated items or money to this project.
As Thanksgiving approached you may have found FFA and Special Education students
running to purchase food to distribute for our Bounty of lowa project. Bags were assembled to provide all of the items needed for a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal. The Bounty of lowa project was a joint effort with the GRHS FFA and Food Pantry along with the support of the Grundy County Pork Producers and Culver’s of Cedar Falls. Without the support of the amazing organizations and our special individuals, we would not have been able to make this project a success!
As Christmas approaches we have all of the students and staff scurrying around like little elves. Our Student Council and Food Pantry are sponsoring a Food Drive to distribute Christmas bags to members of our school families in need. Please feel free to reach out for assistance. We will be collecting items thru Dec. 15, a list of requested items can be found on our social media sites.
We will also be showcasing our clothes closet just in time for the holiday break. The washers are washing and the dryers are a tumblin so our students will have the opportunity to sign up and browse our clothes closet for needed clothing items. If you have lightly used items you would like to donate please reach out to us.
On Dec. 22 the entire High School will come together to celebrate our accomplishments and the generosity of those who have helped with our projects. The Student Council and the Food Pantry will be providing treats and a movie to show our students and staff how proud we are of the accomplishments of this year and what we expect to accomplish in the New Year! We may even have a Special Guest!
As we all know it takes a village to raise a child… may be the one who is raising a child, someone who has raised a child, or someone who would like to help raise a child…We need you all to make it work!
If you or anyone you know in our village needs something or would like to donate
please do not hesitate to contact us at