Gladbrook Auxiliary assembles, distributes Santa Sacks

Helping to make the popcorn balls were front row (l-r): Lori Sanderson, Julie Hooper, and Joyce Swangel; back row (l-r): Jeanne and Darrell Paustian, Jolene Denbow, and Linda Randolph. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
GLADBROOK – The Gladbrook Auxiliary members met on Nov. 27 and made popcorn balls for the Santa Sacks. The group made 400 balls. Trudi Scott made caramel corn for the Westbrook Acres Santa Sacks. The Santa Sacks were handed out at the Gladbrook Tree Lighting by Santa Claus in the Festival of Trees on Nov. 29. The Santa Sacks are sponsored by the Gladbrook Commercial Club. Lincoln Savings Bank donated the popcorn and oil. The Grundy County Memorial Hospital donated the apples, the ALA the popcorn balls, Gladbrook Lions the peanuts, and the M&Ms and candy canes are donated by the Gladbrook Commercial Club. The Gladbrook Women’s Club fills the sacks.