
Meet GMG student teacher Britt Mitchell

Britt Mitchell works with Brandon Zaldana. PHOTO COURTESY OF CAIDEN PRISKE/THE SCOOP

Britt Mitchell is a student teacher in English/Language Arts. He has been with the GMG Secondary School for eight weeks.

He grew up in Maryland, and was in the Navy for six years building bombs and weapons.

Currently, Mitchell is a student at the University of Northern Iowa learning many new things from the experiences he’s had while working his way up to become a teacher.

Some examples include learning how to adapt to different schools and different students. Mitchell says he likes to student teach because he has learned a lot from professionals.

Mitchell has been coaching lacrosse and football for 15 years. Mitchell’s favorite part about coaching youth is being able to teach them what he likes to do.

Student teaching for Mitchell has been entertaining and he has been enjoying it.

Mitchell loves creative writing, which is his favorite class to teach.

Mitchell, who served in the Navy, enjoys traveling. He has been to 43 states and has been to Japan, Hong Kong, Hawai, Guam, Singapore, Australia, the Bahamas, Mexico, Thailand, and the Caribbean.

Mitchell’s favorite place is anywhere with a beach.

His favorite movie is “Gladiator.”

Mitchell listens to all types of music and does not really have a favorite.

“The Iliad” is his favorite book.

If Mitchell could learn another language it would be American Sign Language.