
Gladbrook Womens’ Club News: February

The Gladbrook Womens’ Club met on February 9 with 16 members answering, “What are your plans for Valentine’s Day.”

The minutes of the January meeting were read and the treasurer’s report was given. Both were approved.

The Corresponding Secretary reported that she sent a thank you note to the Suzanne Boldt family for the memorial gift.

In the membership report, one new name was mentioned for a potential new member.

Committee sign ups were sent around for members to sign up for the 2023-2024 club year.

The nominating committee asks the membership to vote on keeping the President position as Co-Presidents or go back to having a President and Vice President. Karen Lage made a motion to keep the position as Co-Presedents. Deb Roberts seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Easter egg coloring committee is planning this year’s event.

The Gladbrook Theater Manager has asked if the club would be willing to take a shift serving concessions each month. Out of the options presented, Karen Handorf motioned that we serve concessions on the 2nd Sunday evening of each month. The motion was seconded by Marcy. Motion carried. A list was passed around for members to sign up for the month that they would like to help.

A reminder that the March meeting will be at Spanky’s with the program by Cedar Valley Hospice.

The meeting was then adjourned with the members showing some very interesting items for the “Bring something that your kids wonder why you have kept” program.

