
Area Auxiliary members attend district conference

The 2021 American Legion Auxiliary Third District Fall Conference was opened in form by PDP and Iowa’s NEC Kelly Elliott acting as Parliamentarian introduced Vice President Sandy Scallon as resignation of President Pat Williams due to health issues.

She was officially installed by Elliott. Guest State President Doris Jackson and Membership Alida Kolthoff were introduced. Roll call revealed 30 attendees. Secretary’s report was accepted as printed, with budget and treasurers reports accepted as presented.

Elliott as Dept NEC for Iowa, reported Nat’l President Kathy Daudistel of Kentucky chose ‘caregivers’ as her project and has a special award for a Junior who has been in this position. She will also be visiting Iowa for five days during the latter part of April.

Iowa Girls State had 135 attending the virtual program with election of all but county officers due to the number of girls participating. Girls State reservations need to be in by Dec. 31, 2021 for ($400) or $50 more. It will be held June 17-24, 2022 at Drake University.

Send clippings, photos, prayers/inspirations for history and prayer books to Nicole Johnson 2757 Knapp Ave, Melbourne, IA 50162, or e-mail ala3historian@gmail.com

Chaplain Carol Kruse did a great job with prayers and the Memorial Service.

JoAnn Klein, sub for Veronica Daniels and Juniors Chair, told of a Conrad Jr. who collected $400 in items for the Iowa Veterans Home and recently, with a friend, took down lots of pumpkins for decorating, painting and carving. She also encouraged Units to choose a Miss and a Mister Poppy.

No ALA IVH Rep has been chosen and due to uncertainty of Covid, Gift Shop will probably be Gift cards again. Cookies welcome any time.

Greetings by State President Doris on her travels, is encouraging visits to each Unit by the District President and or Membership chair to make everyone feel they are important to the organization.

Choose a ‘Member of the Year’ from your Unit. There is always someone special who goes that extra mile in your Unit. Check the Clipper for details.

District President Sandy’s project will be the AEF and Miracles in Motion in Swisher. They are having a free Halloween project for Veterans/special needs children on Sat., Oct. 23 from 12-3:30 p.m.

Merit Awards report by Sharon Hatch showed eight $200 merit awards given in 2021. No silent auction, but ‘school house’ donation box again. All applications need to be sent to her by April 1,2022. Please get the information to your schools in December.

Shirley Warneke, JoAnn Klein, and Deb Miller elected to the nominating committee.

Tama County had two attendees: Co Pres Diane Caloud and past pres, Jolene Denbow.

Election of District Vice-President with Deb Miller of Marshalltown graciously accepting. She was also installed by Elliott. President Sandy has also accepted a second term, as has Chaplain Carol.

Meeting adjourned with prayer.

Dept. President Doris presented four National Plaques to the Gladbrook Unit, received by Jolene. These were earned for Americanism (Lisa Reinhard), National Security (Jeanne Paustian), Poppy (Jodi Betts) and Children and Youth with Kids Shopping Day project.

A delicious plate lunch of smoked pork sandwich, chips, slaw and pudding dessert served at the newly dedicated Post Home was enjoyed by all.

