
News from the Black Hawk Nighthawks

Front Row (L-R): Cole Fleshner, Aubrynn Sommerfelt, Gwen Sommerfelt, Kinzee Hemann, and Mike Richert. Back Row (L-R) Emma Fleshner, Stella Heinzel, Lily Heinzel, Sadie Brockett, Paul Brockett, Taylor Frishmeyer, and Karly Wilhau. Photo submitted
Emma Fleshner. Photo submitted
Front Row (L-R): Sadie Brockett, Aubrynn Sommerfelt, and Gwen Sommerfelt. Back Row (L-R) Emma Fleshner, Paul Brockett, and Cole Fleshner. Photo submitted
(L-R) Taylor Frishmeyer and Karly Wilhau. Photo submitted

The Black Hawk Nighthawks 4-H Club held their regular monthly meeting Sunday, November 13th. For this meeting, we started off with a guest speaker, Mike Rickert, who shared his knowledge and advice about bread baking, including how he grinds his own wheat for the bread. He made two loaves in front of us and we had the opportunity to help knead the bread. He also brought along five pre-made loaves to bake and we were lucky enough to get to sample the freshly baked bread.

For our business meeting, Stella led our Pledge of Allegiance. Our role call was say what your favorite month is and why. Secretary and treasurer’s reports were given. The money & unsold booklets from the Younker’s Community Days were collected. Our Christmas Tree is up in LSB for public viewing. Baking cookies with Glenda has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 7th at 2:00. That will be our only meeting in December. We ended our meeting with the 4-H pledge, followed by presentations from Emma on essential oils, Taylor on how to braid hair & Paul sharing a card trick.

Our next regular meeting will be January 8th at 4:00 pm at Indulge.