

GR students attend To Kill a Mockingbird

On Monday, April 6th, high school students from Gladbrook Reinbeck, Aplington Parkersburg, and Grundy Center attended the play To Kill a Mockingbird at the Gallagher Bluedorn.AP organized the buspool between the three schools to make the trip possible.From Gladbrook Reinbeck, Mrs. Wilson ...

Bradon Trepp

NAME: Bradon TreppNICKNAME/S: Treppy, BradDATE OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH: May 7, 1996; Waterloo, IowaPARENTS: Janet and GreggSIBLING/S: Rex and LukePET: Dog - AbbyPRESENT JOB: ShackFAVORITESSCHOOL LUNCH: hot beefGR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: Mrs. WilsonGR HIGH SCHOOL CLASS: mathCOLOR: red, white, ...

GR FFA updates

Our local FFA banquet is Saturday, April 18, at the high school multipurpose room in Reinbeck. The banquet will start no later than 6:30 pm. Anyone can attend with the potluck provided by teacher and members. During the banquet we will install new officers, recognize degrees Greenhand and ...

NHS blood drive

The Gladbrook Reinbeck High School National Honor Society's blood drive was another success. As Angela from Red Cross said, "We appreciate your flexibility with scheduling us in, especially with our unpredictable winter weather!" Even through the crazy winter weather, the community managed to ...

Shelton Hatch

NAME: Shelton HatchNICKNAME: ShelbotDATE OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH: February 6, 1997; Waterloo, IowaPARENTS: Kenneth and Shelleen HatchSIBLING: Kerrigan HatchPETS: A Saint Bernard named Braxton and a yellow Lab named RioPRESENT JOB: Raum Farms Inc. and Hornung Swine FarmsFAVORITESSCHOOL LUNCH: ...

GR Board of Education regular meeting

Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community SchoolBoard of Education - Regular MeetingBoard Room - GladbrookThursday, April 16, 20156:30 p.m.TENTATIVE AGENDACall to OrderRoll CallCommunicationsVisitors -CorrespondenceOtherApproval of AgendaApproval of Consent AgendaApproval of Minutes of March 23, 2015 ...

Gladbrook-Reinbeck School Board Meeting

The Gladbrook-Reinbeck School Board Meeting was called to order on Monday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m. by Board president Josh Hemann. Karen Mussig, visitor, spoke to the board about the recent decision to close the Gladbrook attendance center. The agenda for the meeting was approved. There was much ...

G-R District Advisory Committee Meeting

On March 24, 2015 the Gladbrook-Reinbeck District Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Superintendent Shawn Holloway at 6:30. The focus of the meeting was career and tech highlights. Presentations were heard from three G-R high school teachers: Brady Swenson (shop teacher), ...

Phillip Zimmerman

NAME: Phillip ZimmermanDATE OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH: April 4, 1996; Waterloo, IAPARENTS: Kim and Doreen ZimmermanSIBLINGS: Gabe,Maria, Isaac, Dan, JoAnna, Rebekah and JoePETS: dog and catFAVORITESSCHOOL LUNCH: spaghettiG-R HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: all of themG-R HIGH SCHOOL CLASS: seniorsCOLOR: ...

G-R FFA award and recognition banquet

The Annual G-R FFA banquet will be held on Saturday April 18, 2015 starting in the High School Auditorium at 5:30 p.m. A meal will be served in the commons. G-R FFA members will bring a salad or dessert as part of the meal pot luck. Mrs. Heeren will provide the main dish(es). Award and ...