
Day full of agriculture planned for Grundy County Fair

Soil health and cover crop workshops are coming to the Grundy County Fair this year on Wednesday, July 22, 2015! The day starts at 7:30 a.m. with the Tri County Ag meeting. Eat a hot breakfast and hear the grain market update from ISU Extension Farm Management Specialist, Steve Johnson, and IPTV’s “Market to Market” host Mike Pearson, then hear from Steve about his take on the crop lease outlook for 2015-16. At 9:00 a.m. Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey will kick off the soil health workshops. You’ll learn from experts about cover crops and livestock usage; herbicide considerations; aerial seeding; new overseeding machinery for ground application; cover crop seed selection; and how cover crops can fit best with seed corn, and with corn and soybean production. Other speakers include Fred Abels, Grundy County Farmer and SWCD Commissioner, Jamie Benning, Iowa State University, and several farmer experts. End the event with a hearty lunch and get ready to make your fall cover crop decisions.

Another exciting addition to the day will be the chance to walk through and participate with the Iowa Conservation Station from Iowa Learning Farms!

RSVP for the noon meal to Lauren Zastrow, lauren@practicalfarmers.org or (515) 232-5661 by Friday July 17, 2015.