
News from City Hall

Greetings from the mayor, council and city employees. This article is intended to give the citizens of Reinbeck an informed update on changes, accomplishments and future planning for the city.

The city is finally fully staffed as follows:

City Administrator Julie Wilkerson; Administrative Assistant Dana Schoenbeck; Water/Sewer Affidavit Operator Larry Trout; Water/Sewer Operator Rob Werner; Street/Cemetery/Park Operator Jerry Widdel; Park/Street Operator Trey Winkowitsch.

The pool had a late start this summer because of a broken pipe, but once it was opened it was a success. It was actually one of the last pools around to close for the season. The concessions did well this year and were also available at the summer sporting events. Concessions managers and employees, as well as the Park Board and donated many hours to help.

The brush dump site has been cleaned up and graveled so that it is easier getting in and out. If you see the city guys please thank them for this improvement. They all had a hand in getting it cleaned up and have worked hard at this project. The streets have been patched for the year, and the parking lines will be painted early spring.

We have started repairing the alleys. This project will be ongoing, and we are trying to start with the worst ones first. If you feel that your alley should be a priority, please stop into city hall and let Julie know. We will put it on the list and evaluate it with the other alleys on the list.

Our new website is up but is not completely functional yet. You are encouraged to visit it at www.reinbeck.org. There is a feedback section that is functional, and you are welcome to send us your feedback. The form for starting a new water account is available on this website. You can print it from the website, fill it out, and drop it off at city hall.

There are upcoming events that are scheduled over the next couple of months to take note of and plan on coming out and supporting. They are as follows: Movies and More (Halloween), October 25th, at the Memorial Building; Trick-or-Treat Night, October 31st, 5:00 PM 8:00 PM; Miracle on Main, November 14th, Downtown Reinbeck; Movies and More (Christmas), December 13th, at the Memorial Building. Watch the paper for times, or stop in at city hall for more information.

One of the unfortunate tasks the city is faced with each year is the raising of the water/sewer rates. The city code states that the rates are to be raised at the CPI (Current Price Index) rate each year in July. These rate increases make it possible for the city to make our bond payments and keep up with maintenance and improvements to our plants and infrastructure. We understand that this can be a tough challenge for our citizens, especially those on fixed incomes, but it is something the city is required to do to be in compliance with the bond purchasers and Iowa DNR.

The council has ideas and projects in the works. One project just approved is the LMI Housing Rehabilitation Program. There will be more information available on this project in the near future. It takes everyone in a city to make a difference. Please drop us a line or stop in with any comments or suggestions you have. We do have a suggestion box in place at city hall where you can drop off your suggestions or comments.

The council will be having discussions on a city wide cleanup project. We would like to see improvements to the overall view of our city to make it more appealing to outsiders looking for a new place to live. Everyone can help with this project and can start anytime. Simple things like picking up trash blown in the street, or sidewalk when you are out for a walk, or pulling a weed in the park are helpful contributions. Sandy and Ray Rannfeldt have graciously and generously given their time in weeding, pruning and taking care of flowers around town. If anyone would like to help them out, they would greatly appreciate it. Just stop in at city hall and let us know. We will get your information to them.

Taking pride in your own yard is a great way to show your pride for the City of Reinbeck. Make sure your yard is mowed to code (height should not exceed 6″ and clippings should not be blown into the street) and is free of noxious weeds and junk; all vehicles and trailers are currently licensed; and, your property and all accessory buildings are properly maintained. If you have an elderly neighbor or a neighbor who could use help with his/her property please offer a hand or notify the city. The school offers a community service program for students, and often times there are students looking for ways to earn volunteer hours. Also, trees overhanging the street need to be trimmed so that all branches are at least twelve (12) feet above the surface of the street and eight (8) feet above the sidewalks. This allows for safety of persons using the sidewalk, and also garbage utility workers.

Believe it or not, it is already time to be thinking about fall and winter. This is a good time to remind all citizens of the snow parking ordinance. No vehicles are allowed on public streets between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM during the months of November, December, January, February and March. It is also the property owner’s responsibility to promptly remove snow and ice from his/her property. A prompt time frame would be 24 hours after a storm. Also, as a reminder, you are not to push or place any snow from sidewalks or driveways onto the traveled way of a street or alley. These are just common sense items that allow our workers to clear the snow off streets faster, thereby insuring safety to residents as they walk on sidewalks in the winter.

Please remember to support your local businesses. These businesses are what help make Reinbeck a thriving community. Some top factors people look for in a community when deciding where to relocate are crime rate, education system, parks, employment opportunities and the vitality of the community. Reinbeck is blessed to have so many small businesses, especially during these tough economic times. You may pay a little more for your merchandise or service compared to the big box or chain stores, but without these businesses this city would lose an important part of its vitality. These businesses are used to display posters for the community, and they are generous in their donations to help sponsor city events. Please thank these small business owners for taking the risk and putting in the hours it takes to operate a small business.

You, the citizens of Reinbeck, are a vital part of making this a GREAT city and a GREAT place to live. If we all work together we can make it even better! Keep up the good work.