
z_Cooking Corner


I recently was asked if I wrote those silly Christmas letters. I said, "Yes," because when Christmas rolls around I do the traditional things. I decorate a tree, bake cookies, decorate my house, make special gifts and write silly Christmas letters. I know that Christmas letters receive some bad ...

Cooking Corner

Many of us with families start to get anxious as we realize it is December and Christmas is just around the corner. There are family get togethers to organize, meals to plan, presents to buy and make and goodies to bake. The house needs a good cleaning and rearranging, but right now that is ...

Cooking Corner

December is here and now I can officially open the Christmas season. I never decorate or get in a hurry to buy gifts until the happiest time of the year arrives. It is almost four weeks until Christmas Day, but the season has arrived in many stores before Thanksgiving. Now I enjoy the cheerful ...

Cooking Corner

"Happy Thanksgiving." A day to give thanks, a day for reflection, a day of joy. Families gather for the annual feast. The children come back to the farm and with them come the grandchildren, who so enjoy the tractors and the space. I only wish we had animals to share with them. Yes, coming ...

Cooking Corner

The beautiful, crisp days of autumn and November is here, and if your husband is a hunter, or you know some hunters they are happily enjoying these fall days enjoying this sport. However, there is always the question: How do I cook it? Since last year I did buy a cookbook that had a wild game ...

Cooking Corner

Veteran's Day is November 11th, a day set aside to honor all those who dedicated their time and lives for our country and freedoms. These are some of the things we should remember about Veteran's Day.On November 11, 1918 at the eleventh day of the eleventh month the guns fell silent, ending the ...

Cooking Corner

Next Sunday we'll be asking the question I ask every year. Does anyone really know what time it is? Daylight Savings Time is a fact of life, but does anyone really know where it came from and why? Last spring an hour was stolen from me. I could have done a lot with that hour because I feel an ...

Cooking Corner

Ghosts, goblins, witches and monsters will all be out in a few days for their special party. What a fun time for the kids and we older ones too when we can find an excuse to give treats to children. And don't the kids, little and big alike, have fun dressing up as their favorite character when ...

Cooking Corner

Harvest time is once again upon us and let's hope we are blessed with abundance and time to do this sometimes overwhelming task that is ahead for all farmers. You can say what you want about the fresh beauty of spring, the laid-back days of summer, and the bright, clean white of winter. ...

Cooking Corner

Have you been to the pumpkin patch to pick out your pumpkins yet? I haven't planted any pumpkins for quite a while, but there's a certain satisfaction in growing your own jack-o-lanterns. Maybe next year I'll try it again and also grow some of those colorful gourds. My older kids are asking now ...