
Gladbrook Women’s Club

The Gladbrook Women’s Club met at the home of Bonnie Murty November 14. Vivian LeVier presented a program celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage and ratification of the 19th amendment. It is notable that an Iowa farm girl from Charles City, Carrie Chatman Catt, was instrumental in the final push for women to gain the vote nation-wide. Vice-president Barb Luethje called the meeting to order welcoming 15 members and one guest, Barb Seda. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were approved. The Women’s Club participated in the Halloween “trunk or treat” on Main Street and everyone had a good time in spite of the frigid weather. The kids were really cute and some even had tricks or jokes. BJ Reed was thanked for making a Halloween sign and Suzanne Bolt for providing the “trunk” and bags of candy and trinkets. The Christmas Luncheon will be at the Peppercorn Pantry at 11:30, meeting at the Methodist Church at 10:30. Steph Harders will provide a short program/entertainment. We will again collect for the food pantry. Items that are most needed include fruit, mac & cheese, spaghetti sauce, canned meat, crackers and personal care items. Cash is especially appreciated.. Holiday Happenings plans were discussed. Pauline and June reported that 145 tickets have been sold. BJ placed a very nice advance story in the Northern Sun. The “Santa Sack” committee will gather the evening of November 20 to do their elf-type work. The Tree decorating committee will use the Holiday Happenings tree. Karen Handorf and Bonnie have contacted out-of-town judges for the Festival of Trees. Judging will take place at 5:00 p.m. November 19. Karen has purchased new frames for displaying the awards. The Corn Carnival 100th anniversary cookbook plans are underway for publication and sale by Thanksgiving 2021. They hope to start soliciting recipes early next year. The 100th Corn Carnival celebration is in 2022. Hospice cookie bakers for December are June, Barb, and Avriel. VP Barb noted November birthdays and anniversaries. Hostesses Bonnie Murty, Karen Handorf, Sandy Raum and June Klinefelter served hot ham and cheese sliders, nuts, candy, coffee and cider. Bonnie graciously gave mini tours of her beautiful new home.