
Garwin Roughriders 4-H Club

The regular meeting of the Garwin Roughriders 4-H Club was held at the Vaverka home on June 6, 2015. The president was absent so a substitute called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. There were 18 members, 9 parents, and no visitors present. Ethan led the pledge of Allegiance. The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. Frances Jackson made the motion to approve the report as read, seconded by Stephanie. The Treasure’s Report was given. Our balance on hand, as of June 6, 2015 is $755.70. Old business discussed was the New Member’s Workshop. A motion to approve old business was made by Rachael, and seconded by Ethan. Items for new business include: •The club will provide t-shirts for new members. •June 15th – All fair entries are due. All entries are $1. Clover Kids entries’ are free. •June 28th – We will meet at the Backoff’s residence at 3:00 p.m. for the 4-H Club Tour. The tour will end at the Hlas’ residence. After the non-livestock presentations we will have a potluck. The club will provide the main dish. Members are asked to bring side dishes, desserts, and drinks. •July 10th – We will meet at the Chapel Church at 6:30 p.m. to work on our booth decorations. Various members volunteered to bring supplies and tools needed. All 4-H members need to bring a photo of themselves. •July 11th – We will be helping clean the fair ground. Our club is responsible for weed eating and pulling weeds. You will need to supply your own gloves, weed eater, and/or anything you wish to use. Following cleanup, we will work on our booth. •July 18th – Our club is assigned to be the building host and hostess from 2-4 p.m. Volunteering for this is Frances, Stephanie, Angel, and Rachael. At 8 p.m. we will take down the flag. We would like to have as many members there as possible. •July 19th – All 4-H members need to help clean up after the fair. •Time will be announced at a later date when we need to volunteer for the kids craft during the fair.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Secretary, Lindsey Slifer